Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Always Negative: The Review?


When you own a business, whether it be a small, local shop on the town square or an up and coming Etsy shop, one always would like positive reviews. That got me thinking. How come we as individuals are so quick to write a negative review about a certain shop or even item, but not quick to write a review about one's positive work or experience? When writing such reviews, 90% of the time we skip trying to contact the owner to resolve the issue, but instead, we jump over that step and right into posting a not so nice review. Looking at myself, and only myself, I have noticed that I am quick to resort to the negative side rather than looking at the positive thing(s) that the business or item(s) offers. I think I have written a review once for a product/shop (positive). Once? We always talk about changing the world for the positive, but we never promote that. Instead, we resort to the negative. My challenge for myself and for you is to write a positive review every once and a while. In the end, it only takes a few minutes. And...if one day a problem arises with a shop or product, always try to work it out before running to the computer ready to write a review. We are human and as being human, we make mistakes and we have bad days. So... that was my thought of the day.

Signing off,
The Upside Graphics

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